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Completely flat shoes are not recommended

9 de July de 2024

Nowadays, it is crucial to choose the right footwear to maintain the health and well-being of our feet. Despite the popularity of certain types of flat shoes such as ballerinas and sandals, their prolonged use can have significant negative consequences.

Problems Associated with Flat Footwear

1. Lack of Cushioning and Support:
Completely flat shoes lack the cushioning necessary to absorb the impact of the foot against the ground when walking. This can lead to overloading of the structures of the foot, particularly the plantar arch and heel, increasing the risk of developing plantar fasciitis, a painful condition that affects the fascia of the foot.

2. Achilles tendon overload:
Wearing shoes without any type of heel elevation requires increased stress on the Achilles tendon to allow for ankle flexion during gait. This additional stress can lead to inflammation and pain in the tendon, as well as problems in the Achilles-calcaneal-plantar structure.

3. Postural Problems and Pain:
Lack of proper support can affect overall posture, resulting in pain in the posterior leg, ankle, back and hip muscles. Incorrect alignment of the body when walking or standing for long periods of time can lead to chronic problems of joint pain and dysfunction.

flat shoes

Long-term negative effects

1. Development of bunions:
Continued use of flat shoes can contribute to the development of bunions, a deformity at the base of the big toe that can be very painful and require surgical intervention.

2. Blood Circulation Impairment:
Lack of support and incorrect posture can affect blood circulation in the legs and feet, increasing the risk of varicose veins and other circulatory problems.

3. Premature Joint Wear and Tear:
Without proper support, the joints of the foot and leg can suffer premature wear and tear, which could lead to arthritis and other joint problems over time.

Recommendations for Healthy Footwear

To avoid these problems, it is essential to opt for footwear that provides adequate support and cushioning. Here are some recommendations:

  • Moderate Heel: A heel between 3 and 4 cm is recommended. This small lift helps to better distribute body weight and reduce stress on the Achilles tendon and plantar arch.
  • Good Cushioning: Footwear should have a cushioned sole that absorbs shock when walking, thus protecting the structures of the foot.
  • Arch Support: Good footwear should provide firm support for the arch of the foot, preventing arch collapse and avoiding problems such as flat feet.
  • Breathable Materials: To avoid excessive sweating and odor, it is important that footwear be made of materials that allow adequate ventilation of the foot.


We should not get carried away by fashion trends that prioritize aesthetics over functionality. Inadequate footwear can have long-term consequences on our health. At Clínica San Román, we are committed to the well-being of your feet and we offer you professional advice to choose the right footwear that combines comfort and health.

We recommend a podiatric evaluation if you experience pain or discomfort when walking, as early diagnosis can prevent further complications. For more information and personalized consultations, we invite you to contact us and schedule an appointment with our specialists. Take care of your feet today for a better quality of life tomorrow.


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