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Main foot and ankle problems not related to injuries

18 de February de 2020


Sometimes foot problems are not given much attention until they suffer an injury that causes pain or affects the ability to walk.

However, there is a long list of foot problems foot problems that are not related to injury and can also affect both foot function and self-esteem. and can also affect both foot function and a person’s self-esteem.

pain, swelling prickling or burning sensation, recurrent cramps or even fungus and odors or even fungus and bad odors are the problems most frequently treated by podiatrists and medical specialists.

In fact, natural processes such as pregnancy or aging can cause noticeable changes in the appearance and functionality of the feet.

Fortunately, many of these problems can be solved with simple treatments.

Let’s review some of the most most common foot problems that are not related to injuries.

Skin ailments of the feet and ankles

The skin is the largest organ of the body; and the foot area is particularly vulnerable to fungal diseases, dryness or friction with footwear. fungus, dryness or friction with footwear.

Among the most common skin-related problems in this area are:

  • Corns and blisters. Continuous rubbing with footwear can cause hardening and inflammation of the skin, accompanied by pain or irritation.

The most vulnerable points are the heel and the lower toe area.

  • Mushrooms. A fungal infection can cause an itching and burning sensation, reddening of the skin and the appearance of scales or cracks in the interdigital area and toes.

fungal infection of the feet

  • Dermatitis. Some materials used in footwear or hosiery may cause allergic reactions and contact dermatitis in particularly sensitive persons.
  • Ingrown toenails. Irregular nail growth can cause the nail to become ingrown into the skin, causing pain and inflammation.
  • Infections . There are several types of fungi, bacteria or viruses (plantar warts) that can be transmitted when walking in public places such as swimming pools and public showers.

Pain in the joints of the foot

The foot is composed of numerous bones and joints.

The joints are the most vulnerable to the effects of to the effects of certain diseases, extreme stress or strain.

Among the main problems affecting the joints of the foot are:

  • Gout: This problem is due to the accumulation of uric acid crystals accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joint of the big toe (hallux) that causes a strong inflammation accompanied by a sensation of pain, heat and extreme sensitivity.

  • Bunions:It is a deformity that affects the metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe that causes a deviation of the first metatarsal outward and the first toe to the second, also causing a visible deformity.

  • Tailor’s bunion: This is the same problem as the previous one, but in this case in the joint of the fifth toe.

  • Claw toes: Claw toes are a toe deformity where the metatarsophalangeal joint is stretched and the middle and end joints are abnormally flexed due to inflammation and deviation of the ligaments and joints.

  • Plantar fasciitis: This pathology is characterized by degeneration and/or inflammation of the plantar fascia, or aponeurotic tissue, which runs from the calcaneus (heel) to the metatarsal heads, forming the longitudinal arch of the foot. It causes pain when stepping and inflammation, especially in the inner heel area.
  • Calcaneal spur: This is an abnormal bony growth on the underside of the heel bone, which causes symptoms similar to plantar fasciitis.

  • Haglund’s deformity: This is the formation of a bony bony extension in the posterior part of the calcaneal bone. (heel). In most cases, it causes a bursitisinflammation of the bursa (a fluid-containing sac located between the Achilles tendon and the heel).

Neurological problems

other foot problems

There are several types of conditions that can affect the nerves in the feet, causing symptoms such as tingling, numbness of the toes and burning. Among these we have:


  • Morton’s neuroma: It is a degeneration accompanied by fibrosis (thickening) of the plantar digital nerve. It usually affects the area between the third and fourth metatarsal, producing burning and numbness.

  • Sciatica: This is a compression of the sciatic nerve, causing pain, numbness or tingling in the leg and may extend to the foot.

  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome: This is a compressive neuropathy of the posterior tibial nerve in the ankle area, causing numbness and weakness in the foot muscles.

  • Diabetes: This disease affects the circulatory and neurological system of the feet, causing a loss of sensitivity and even skin lesions that take a long time to heal.

  • Peripheral nerve damage: This may occur more frequently in people who have problems in their circulatory system due to illness, operations or use of certain medications.

If you suffer from any of the conditions mentioned in this article, it is recommended that you go immediately to a podiatrist or doctor specialized in lower limbs to diagnose you and indicate the most appropriate treatment to follow.


trustworthy medical information stamp clinica san romanArticle prepared by Clínica San Román

Date of publication 18-2-2020


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