Dr. Carlos Sgattoni

Dr. Carlos Sgattoni is a leading specialist in anesthesiology, resuscitation and pain therapy, recognized for his commitment to the relief of chronic pain in patients. His holistic approach integrates advanced techniques and personalized pain management, ensuring that each patient receives the most effective and compassionate care possible. Dr. Sgattoni and his team at Clinica San Roman are dedicated to improving the quality of life of their patients by offering innovative treatments and ongoing support.

  • Specialist in Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and Pain Therapy at Hospital General Universitario de Alicante.
  • Member of the Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Alicante.
Carlos Sgattoni - Contacto Unidad del Dolor

Dr. Carlos Sgattoni is a key figure at Clinica San Roman, where his specialization in anesthesiology and pain management brings a unique and profoundly necessary perspective to the treatment of chronic painful conditions. His approach is not limited to intervention techniques alone, but also emphasizes the importance of a comprehensive assessment to better understand the individual needs of each patient.

With an outstanding track record in advanced pain management, Dr. Sgattoni uses a combination of traditional methods and cutting-edge techniques to provide effective relief and improve his patients’ quality of life. These techniques include, but are not limited to, nerve blocks, infusion therapies and radiofrequency treatments, each specifically tailored to the patient’s conditions and responses.

In addition, Dr. Carlos is an advocate of continuing education for both patients and medical staff. He actively participates in seminars and workshops, and contributes to the medical literature, which helps promote a deeper understanding of pain management practices within the medical community and among those suffering from chronic pain.

Their dedication not only improves clinical outcomes but also strengthens the doctor-patient relationship, creating an environment of trust and security where patients feel supported at every step of their treatment. This patient-centered approach is fundamental to the success of the pain management unit at Clínica San Román, making it a leader in the field of pain management in Alicante and beyond.

Meet your Anesthesiologist: Dr. Carlos Sgattoni

Much more than the specialist behind the mask in the operating room. As an anesthesiologist, your role is essential for the safety and regulation of the patient’s vital functions during and after surgery. Dr. Sgattoni has completed extensive training in anesthesiology, rigorously preparing him to manage critical medical conditions and ensure the safest care for his patients.

The Anesthesiologist’s Role in Your Treatment

The anesthesiologist is responsible for monitoring critical functions such as breathing and heart rate, and is prepared to intervene in any medical complications during surgery. Its focus is on minimizing the physiological impact of the surgical procedure while maintaining maximum patient safety.

Preparing for Surgery: Your Consultation with the Anesthesiologist

Prior to the procedure, Dr. Sgattoni will evaluate your medical condition and discuss the most appropriate anesthetic techniques, taking into account your medical history and any special conditions. This initial consultation is also an opportunity to resolve any doubts about the anesthetic and surgical process.

With his deep knowledge in anesthesiology, he guarantees a safe and comfortable surgical experience, customizing the treatment for each patient. Its comprehensive approach ensures efficient recovery and continuous care, highlighting its commitment to the patient’s well-being throughout the surgical process. Contact the Clínica San Román Pain Unit