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Plantar fasciitis in amateur and professional athletes.

21 de November de 2022

Plantar fasciitis in athletes


Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common injuries of the foot and the most frequent in sportsmen, especially in athletes and soccer players, as they are professionals who continuously expose this part of the body to a continuous and repetitive effort.

What is plantar fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis in athletes


It is called “

plantar fasciitis

is an inflammation of the tissue on the sole of the foot that links the calcaneus to the toes and forms the arch of the foot. It is a wide band of fibrous tissue very similar to a tendon, called fascia, which can sometimes become inflamed for various reasons, causing a sharp pain in the heel, which radiates throughout the sole of the foot, sometimes with an intense burning sensation.

Athletes, whether professional or amateurWhen running on hard surfaces or terrain, they subject their heels to an incessant exercise of percussion that generates continuous micro-traumas that end up being responsible for the inflammation and the pain that accompanies it. The biggest problem is that the injury ends up becoming chronic, throughout the competitive life of these athletes.


Athlete's fasciitis - plantar fasciitis in athletes


The problem can also be caused or aggravated by improper footwear, poor posture or poor flexibility and muscle strength. Traditionally, it has also been associated with the existence of calcaneal spurs, although nowadays this cause-effect relationship is not considered to be proven.

Treatment of plantar fasciitis

plantar fasciitis

rarely ends in surgery, being preferred before a series of measures focused mainly on correcting the distribution of the loads of the feet when walking. It can be through the use of custom orthopedic insoles, specific footwear or oral anti-inflammatory drugs that help the recovery of the plantar fascia. Sometimes, direct corticosteroid infiltration is indicated.

Prevention of plantar fasciitis in athletes



But undoubtedly, the best treatment for this annoying injury of the sole of the foot is good prevention. Especially in men between 40 and 70 years of age, who present the highest incidence of this problem, whether or not they are athletes. In addition, when the fascia loses its elasticity and the layer of fat that covers it becomes thinner, the incidence of plantar fasciitis increases.

plantar fasciitis


How to prevent plantar fasciitis?


Some ways to help treat plantar fasciitis include the following:

The use of templates can be helpful. Their function will depend on how your feet hurt and the type of treatment you are undergoing, but they can provide some relief by cushioning the impact or reducing the pressure on the bottom when walking or running without allowing too much stress on the heel area, which could cause more damage than before if done incorrectly

Prevent “

plantar fasciitis

is not overly complicated. In the world of sports, warming up and stretching are fundamental measures. A gentle run of 5 to 10 minutes will serve as a warm-up and; after the exercise, it should be attached to the stretching; of a general nature other specific for the sole of the foot, such as; perform in several series of stretching of the toes for 10 seconds each series.

Exercise with plantar fasciitis



Cycling is a great way to exercise with plantar fasciitis. It is low impact and does not put too much pressure on the feet. Can be practiced indoors on an exercise bike or outdoors on a road bike.. Just make sure you wear comfortable shoes with good arch support.


Swimming is another low-impact activity that is ideal for people with plantar fasciitis. Water provides a natural resistance that helps strengthen the muscles and tendons surrounding the foot and ankle. Swimming is also a great cardiovascular exercise. Just make sure you wear comfortable shoes with good arch support.


Yoga is a great way to stretch and strengthen the muscles surrounding the foot and ankle. There are many different yoga postures that can help relieve plantar fasciitis pain. Just make sure you wear comfortable shoes with good arch support.

If you suffer from plantar fasciitis, do not despair: there are several things you can do to find relief. Try icing the foot, stretching the calf muscles and exercising regularly to help relieve pain and prevent recurrence. It is also essential to wear footwear with good arch support. If after trying these conservative measures you still feel pain, consult a doctor or physiotherapist about other treatment options, if you wish you can contact Clínica San Román.

Additional information Plantar fasciitis

trustworthy medical information stamp clinica san romanArticle prepared by Clínica San Román

Date of publication: 7-08-2017

Revision date 21-11-2022


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