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Crooked or deviated toes What is happening and how to correct it?

7 de September de 2021

This type of finger malformation is more common than we think. Although these toe deviations are not disabling or painful, a medical professional or podiatrist should be consulted to assess the degree of deformity.

Clinodactyly or crooked toes

In podiatry, the term “clinodactyly” is used to refer to abnormal deformity or deviation in the fingers or toes.

Clinodactyly usually has a genetic origin, i.e. it comes from an inherited dominant trait contributed by one or both parents.

However, it is more common in men, although women also often suffer from this type of deformity due to inappropriate footwear.

The crooked toes on the feet can appear in two ways, bending over the nearest toe or the other way around, bending underneath.

In the first case we speak of clinodactyly supraductus and in the second, of clinodactyly infraductus.

How does it feel?

The majority of people with deviated toes toes are often found to be claims to feel nothing, even if they try to stretch their toes. Generally, deformities of this type do not cause discomfort to the affected person, although they do have an aesthetic impact.

At a glance you can notice one or more crooked fingers crooked fingers and this can be unpleasant for patients. Only in some cases the deformity is very pronounced and generates pain with the rubbing of shoes or alters the gait pattern.

Are there other causes of toe deviation?

Men hammertoes before surgery

The toes in the feet are prone to deviation or twisting because they are a small structure that is subjected to a lot of pressure throughout life.

Even so, in most cases it is not considered a problem for the patient, since it is initially a cosmetic problem.

The most common causes of finger deviations are:

Hits: Strong blows or trauma can damage or slightly break the soft tissue or bone of the fingers and this can generate sprains if they are not properly consolidated.

It is also possible that they may be deflected if they are subjected to impact, heavy weight or excessive work on a regular basis.

Unsuitable footwear: Certain types of footwear can cause crooked toes to appear on the feet.
toes, especially in women.
especially in women.

For example, shoes with high heels and narrow toes tend to squeeze the toes excessively. It is common for bunions and calluses to appear as a result of this type of footwear.

Treatment for crooked toes

Crooked fingers or toes usually do not require treatment unless they become a limiting condition or are severely deformed.

It could also happen that for aesthetic reasons the patient wants to improve the appearance of their toes, in these cases minimally invasive or percutaneous foot surgery is used.

When clinodactyly appears in children, surgery is limited to very severe cases, where there is pain and a real need.

Intervention takes place at ages near the end of growth, i.e., towards the end of adolescence. Sometimes silicone separators are used to keep the toe separated and aligned, but this does not cure it, it only prevents pain in extreme cases.

If you feel that your toes are crooked toes need to be need to be checked, do not hesitate to seek the help of a foot doctor or podiatrist.

At Clínica San Román we have more than 40 years of experience in foot surgery or podiatry.

trustworthy medical information stamp clinica san romanArticle prepared by Clínica San Román



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