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What is a Biomechanical Gait Study?

17 de February de 2023

The General Council of Podiatrists recently conducted a study which concluded that prescribing footwear without an accurate biomechanical gait study can contribute to injuries or even worsen previous alterations. Despite this, the study on the runners of the last Madrid marathon reported that 30% of the runners had a footprint study carried out in sports stores.


biomechanical study of gait


A gait study or biomechanical gait study uses advanced technology and knowledge that goes much further than simply detecting whether a person is a pronator, supinator or neutral. A study performed by a podiatrist also studies possible pathologies to prevent injuries such as sprains, plantar fasciitis, heel spurs and muscle overloads among many others. Custom-made orthopedic insoles are also a great help in the post-operative period or in rehabilitation processes.

The study of the footprint is especially dedicated to people with discomfort, who have any injury or perform sports activities, with special attention to children, athletes and the elderly. Therefore, it is recommended to visit a podiatrist to perform a foot examination with a study of the footprint.


Characteristics of the Biomechanical Gait Study


The biomechanical study of the foot or the footprint consists of:

  • Biomechanical tests in bipedestation (standing)
  • Muscle and joint examination of lower limbs.
  • High-speed video filming and kinematic gait study.
  • Study of the dynamic and static plantar footprint using a pressure platform.

Measurement of movement patterns with technology


A biomechanical gait study typically uses a combination of technology and observation to accurately measure how a person moves. Today, many studios use motion capture systems that record movements in three-dimensional space using cameras or other sensors. The data collected by these systems can be used to create detailed computer models of the individual’s movement patterns. These models can then be analyzed to detect irregularities or areas in need of improvement.

Other types of technology such as force plates, electromyography (EMG) devices and accelerometers can also be used in biomechanical gait studies. Force plates measure changes in force over time as individuals walk on them, while EMG devices measure the electrical signals generated by muscles as they contract during walking or running movements. Accelerometers can detect changes in acceleration when a person moves their limbs to help identify any asymmetry between the left and right sides of the body.

Diagnosis and treatment plans: Studies using this technology are very beneficial in diagnosing underlying conditions or disorders associated with movement restrictions or pain. By analyzing how different parts of the body move together during different activities, healthcare professionals can determine what underlying problems may be present and develop treatment plans accordingly. They can also tailor rehabilitation treatments specifically to each individual based on the gait patterns revealed by the study results.

After carrying out the study and evaluating the patient’s situation, the prescription of a treatment with customized insoles will be assessed. At Clínica San Román we make customized insoles, you can contact the clinic for more information.



There is a prevalence of 7 out of 10 people suffer from a foot problem, which causes continuous discomfort until it affects the bone and tendon structures.

For this reason, a visit to the podiatrist should be made so that, through the study of the biomechanics of gait, the problem can be treated by improving the muscular work and the support of the foot by means of custom-made orthopedic insoles made by a foot professional. Remember that improperly made insoles can lead to injury.

The podiatrist is the professional in charge of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the feet, as well as minimally invasive or percutaneous foot surgeries. Putting your trust in unqualified people is putting your health at risk.

Biomechanical gait studies are incredibly useful tools that allow healthcare professionals to gain valuable information about a person’s movement patterns and diagnose any underlying problems that may affect their ability to perform in the future or cause pain or discomfort later on. In additionThe study of a person’s movements by means of motion capture systems allows for more accurate diagnoses and personalized treatment plans that are specifically tailored to the needs of each patient based on his or her own movement pattern. For those seeking answers about their own fitness or looking for ways to improve their performance, a biomechanical gait study may be just what they need.


trustworthy medical information stamp clinica san romanArticle prepared by Clínica San Román

Date of publication: 26-01-2018

Date of revision: 17-2-2023


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