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What to do in case of a strong blow to the foot?

28 de November de 2020

No one is exempt from suffering at some time in life a strong blow to the foot, either by an object that has fallen on him or by bumping into the leg of the bed, table or other object.

Undoubtedly, this type of experience remains engraved in our memory because it is usually accompanied by severe pain and many times we must endure an inflammation that can last from a few hours to several days.

But do you really know what to do when you suffer a severe blow to the foot? Taking action right away can help you reduce the length of time the pain and swelling will last.

We are going to give you some tips that will help you reduce your suffering and avoid complications.

Do I have a concussion or a fracture?

The first thing to identify is whether the blow received only produced a contusion or there may be a fracture in a bone of the foot.

The contusions range from simple to first, second and third degree. In the first case there is only a reddening of the skin and mild pain, while in the latter case there is inflammation and the skin changes color to a grayish tone in a few minutes.

This is a sign of possible nerve and bone damage, so seek medical help.

But how do you know if you have a fracture? There are several symptoms that can signal it, starting with deformation of the struck area. An example is a bone that protrudes or looks sunken, a sign that it has fractured.

This may be accompanied by a change in color, with a grayish appearance, indicating nerve and bone involvement. There is also severe pain, which becomes very sharp to the touch.

In addition, in cases of fracture, a loss of mobility of the affected foot, toe or joint is evident.

bandage for strong blow to the foot

Do not neglect pain and inflammation.

It is important totreat a stroke immediately, even if it does not seem serious. The foot and especially the toes have a large number of small bones and ligaments that can suffer fractures or damage when they receive a strong blow, especially with a heavy object that exerts great pressure on a small area.

For this reason, it is necessary to take immediate action and apply whatever measures are necessary to ensure that there is no serious damage and to alleviate any pain we may feel.

First of all, medical help should be sought if the pain does not subside after a few hours, as this may be a sign of severe damage to a bone or structure of the foot.

The first step to follow in case of a strong blow to the foot is to apply cold to the painful area, either with an ice pack or a cloth soaked in cold water. This should be repeated every 2 hours for 48 hours after the stroke.

However, ice should not be applied for more than 10 minutes at a time to avoid cold burns to the skin.

Apply compression to the affected area

In addition to applying cold, it is necessary to compress the affected area during the first hours after the blow.

This will prevent excessive swelling that can lead to internal bleeding and further damage to the blood vessels of the skin and muscles at the site of trauma.

Another way to help relieve swelling is to place the foot up so that blood drains better from the affected limb and to avoid weight bearing.

Careful with medications

If the pain is very intense, seek medical help. Avoid self-medication with anti-inflammatories or analgesics and only take them if prescribed by a professional who has evaluated the injury.

Some natural analgesics such as those based on arnica can help relieve minor inflammations.

Finally, it is important that you rest and avoid any physical activity so that the bruised foot can recover as quickly as possible.

In case you have to work or perform any activity, you should try to stand as little time as possible and reduce the weight load on the affected limb as much as possible.


trustworthy medical information stamp clinica san roman


Article prepared by Clínica San Román



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