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Psoriasis on the feet How is it treated and how do symptoms improve in this disease?

28 de October de 2021

Psoriasis is a benign and chronic epidermal hyperplastic disease, i.e. it affects the skin and has no cure.

The psoriasis on the feet is characterized by redness, pain, burning of the affected area and dry skin among other symptoms.

It is believed that 3% of the world’s population suffers from some form of psoriasis and its origin is not completely clear, although multiple studies indicate an autoimmune origin.

This means that the body’s defense system mistakenly attacks healthy cells causing inflammation, pain and tissue changes.

So far there is no cure for psoriasis, treatment is focused on controlling and improving symptoms.

How does psoriasis manifest itself on the feet?

There are several types of psoriasis that can affect the feet and some of them only occur on this part of the body, for example, on the nails.

Thus, psoriasis on the psoriasis on the feet can manifest as a consequence of plaque psoriasis, which is the most common form of the disease. In these cases, dry, red patches appear on the skin, known as plaques.

Then there is psoriatic arthritis, where these same patches can appear on the joints, which also present inflammation, pain and stiffness of the joint.

On the other hand, palmoplantar pustular psoriasis, as its name suggests, appears exclusively on the hands and feet. It is characterized by pus-filled blisters, which are not infectious or contagious, but do cause a lot of irritation.

Finally, there is nail psoriasis, which causes the nails to become soft or brittle and therefore more vulnerable to fungal infections.

What are the symptoms of psoriasis?

Symptoms of psoriasis on the psoriasis on the feet vary depending on the type of psoriasis the patient has, as well as how advanced the disease is.

In general terms, the most common symptoms are:

  • Reddening of the skin and red or scaly plaques.
  • Inflammation and burning in the area.
  • Very dry and cracked skin that may bleed.
  • Peeling.
  • Pain, local fever and inflammation in the joints (psoriatic arthritis).
  • Skin rough to the touch and slightly protruding.
  • Cracked or yellowed nails that may fall off.

How is psoriasis treated?

As well as the symptoms of psoriasis on the feet vary depending on the type and severity of the disease, the treatment is also different.

Person suffering from psoriasis on the legs
Person suffering from psoriasis on the legs

Plaque psoriasis: It is treated topically with creams that stop skin damage and allow its regeneration.

Special formulas marketed in pharmacies are generally used and the podiatrist is consulted for chiropody sessions.

This part is fundamental in the treatment because it removes excess keratin and allows the drugs to better penetrate the tissue.

Psoriatic arthritis: As in rheumatoid arthritis, disease-modifying drugs, immunosuppressants, steroids and analgesics are used in the treatment.

Likewise, important lifestyle changes are made involving nutrition, improved rest and stress control.

Nails: Symptoms and signs are alleviated by special formulas, corticosteroids and vitamin D.

Can psoriasis on the feet be prevented?

As psoriasis is considered to be an autoimmune disease, no measures can be taken to prevent it, because it is not known why the body attacks its own tissue.

However, there are some measures that help to control psoriasis. psoriasis and on any part of the body once it has manifested itself:

  • Learning to manage stress.
  • Maintain a healthy diet rich in omega 3, organic fruits and vegetables.
  • In the case of psoriatic arthritis, a biomechanical study of the footprint is recommended to avoid damage to the joints of the foot.
  • Chiropody, removes excess keratin and dead skin on the feet, which improves skin problems.
  • Vitamin D, sun exposure improves the appearance of psoriasis plaques and patches.

The psoriasis is a condition that can appear in any person, therefore, if you have symptoms, you should seek the help of a professional.

trustworthy medical information stamp clinica san roman

Article prepared by Clínica San Román



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