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Swollen feet: These are the causes of swollen feet

17 de September de 2020

Painless swelling of the feet is a common problem. Many of our patients report that at the end of the day, they have the following symptoms swollen feetThey feel tired and notice that their shoes are a little tighter.

This inflammation, which usually affects both feet, can have multiple reasons, for example, a minor injury or a poor choice of footwear. Some causes are simple to manage but others are not. Foot swelling may be a symptom of a more serious medical condition.

Swollen feet are a consequence of hormonal changes, pregnancy and menstruation.

Hormonal changes occur throughout our lives, in fact, every day our body strives to maintain hormonal balance. The female gender is more susceptible to noticing the swollen feet during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and menstruation.

During the last months of a pregnancy, the body secretes a hormone called relaxin, which helps relax the muscles of the uterus and affects the ligaments of the body, including those of the feet.

Spending many hours in the same position is a common cause of swollen feet.

Spending many hours in the same position, whether sitting or standing, increases the likelihood of foot swelling. inflammation in the feet.

It is advisable to take active breaks during work and to walk or play sports at the end of the workday.

When the same position is maintained for a long time, blood circulation slows down, the return of blood to the heart is deficient and a slight accumulation is observed. Over time, the veins and muscles suffer inflammation that generates constant pain.

Wearing inappropriate footwear and socks

Wearing socks or shoes that are too tight is a frequent cause of swollen feet. swollen feetIt also generates marks and pain. For this reason it is necessary to buy shoes of our size and not to tighten the laces too much.

To choose the right shoes you must make sure that your foot is held firmly inside them, but without exerting excessive pressure. The heat produced by thick materials such as leather also promotes inflammation in the feet.

Overweight and obesity favor inflammation of the feet

swollen feet in older womanOverweight and obesity affect the body in many ways, including increasing the load on the lower extremities.

When you walk, your feet must support between 3 and 4 times your body weight due to the displacement, if the load is excessive it generates an overstrain that manifests itself as inflammation, pain and stiffness.

Swollen feet can be a symptom of some pathologies.

The swollen feet can also be a symptom of certain pathologies such as lymphoedema, vascular alterations and renal insufficiency.

Lymphedema is the accumulation of lymphatic fluid in the tissues, especially in the lower extremities. This accumulation affects circulation and impedes proper wound healing.

On the other hand, vascular alterations are associated with venous insufficiency where the upward return of blood is slow. The most affected area of the body is the one farthest from the heart, i.e., the feet.

Renal insufficiency generates an accumulation of fluid that is mainly evident in the feet and legs. To avoid this, it is advisable to eat a balanced diet, drink plenty of water and exercise regularly.

At any time in your life you may feel swollen feet swollen feet and this does not mean that it is a serious problem. If you have pain or it becomes a limiting condition you should seek medical attention.


trustworthy medical information stamp clinica san romanArticle prepared by Clínica San Román



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