Imaging study

1 de February de 2023

The fluoroscope is an imaging technique in medicine that allows the radiodiagnosis of bone lesions and pathologies in extremities such as the foot.

Fluoroscopy study

The fluoroscope is an imaging technique in medicine that allows the radiodiagnosis of bone lesions and pathologies in extremities such as the foot.
This system allows to study the bone and joint anatomy as well as to obtain dynamic data of the foot in real time.
This system is especially useful for the post-surgical evaluation of patients.

Modern fluoroscopy employs a low-radiation X-ray image intensifier in conjunction with an image capture machine that allows images and videos to be viewed in real time.
Importantly, these imaging techniques emit so little radiation that no special isolation is required.

At Clínica San Román we have two modern fluoroscopes(XiScan) and one General Electric (GE) for high definition digital radiographs.
This system allows us to have a better vision and precision to perform our percutaneous or minimally invasive foot surgery procedures.


Radiological study

Digital radiography of the foot allows us to study the bone structure in a precise way and with minimal radiation.

General Electric’s Brivo equipment allows us to take digital radiographs in multiple projections (standard, special and loaded).

The digital image of the foot allows us to accurately assess the angles and dimensions of the deformity and also the patient is given all his studies on a DVD of the San Roman Clinic.

All the clinic’s equipment is checked annually and supervised by the Technical Unit of Radiological Protection (UTPR) of GDES.

EchoDoppler study

The exploration by 4D vascular EchoDoppler is based on the hemodynamic study of blood flow velocity with the Doppler effect. This system allows us to make an examination of the soft tissue and circulation, to subsequently perform surgery more safely.

The 4D EchoDoppler allows us to precisely direct the instruments in a completely innocuous way for the treatment of neuromas, infiltrations and cysts, among others.

Clínica San Román padre e hijo - clínica podológica en Alicante