Dictionary of foot diseases

30 de December de 2022

With the dictionary of foot diseases you can find the main diseases, their definition and etiology. At Clínica San Román we can provide a solution to your problem.

With the dictionary of foot diseases you can find the main diseases, their definition and etiology.
At Clínica San Román we can provide a solution to your problem.

Table of Contents

espolon calcaneo


Definition: Calcaneal spur (classic calcaneal spur); spinous exostosis of the calcaneus at the medial insertion of the plantar aponeurosis or at the insertion of the abductor hallucis muscle.

more information in: Calcaneal Spur Treatment


Definition: Ankylosis of the metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe that causes pain on foot rest (passive dorsal extension).

Etiology: Deforming osteoarthritis, Rheumatic disorders, Post-traumatic.

more information in: Hallux Valgus and Hallux Rigidus

hallux rigidus 768x423 1
hiperhidrosis del pie 768x540 1


Definition: Increased sweating.
Etiology: Constitutional, inadequate footwear.

more information in: Blog about excessive sweating of the feet


Definition: Hyperkeratosis and plantar warts.

Etiology: Circumscribed increase of fibrotic corneal tissue, involving the deep dermal layers.
It is produced by excessive friction and pressure.
It is more frequent in young people and athletes.
Often occurs in combination with bursitis.

more information in: Plantar Wart Treatment

hiperqueratosis 768x404 1


Definition: Generalized concept for pain in the forefoot or in the region of the MTTF joints.

Etiology: Overload, Inflammation (periostitis).

more information in: Metatarsalgia Treatment


Definition: It is the most common supernumerary bony element (10 to 15% of the population suffers from it).
It occurs during growth in young people with valgus or flat feet.
It causes static pain due to overloading, flattening and valgus of the metatarsal, as well as soft tissue injuries due to continuous rubbing against the shoe.

sindrome de morton 768x470 1


Definition: Acute pain crises in the distal metatarsal area.

Etiology: Irritation of the plantar nerves, generally between the 2nd and 3rd, or between the 3rd and 4th metatarsals (fusiform thickening = Morton’s neuroma due to ischemic fibrosis) in cases of transverse flatfoot.
Frequency: Increased between 40 and 60 years of age.
Male to female ratio = 1:4.
Burning pain triggered by pressure and overload.
Controversy exists as to the etiology of increased lateral pressure on the 5th metatarsal in lateral forefoot deviation in valgus feet.

more information in: Morton’s neuroma treatment


Definition: Deviation of the heel rod position causes over-elevation of the longitudinal arch of the foot, reduction of the load-bearing surface of the foot and overloading of the heel and forefoot -> there is greater inclination of the angle of support of the metatarsals and calcaneus.
There is also hyperextension of the plantar musculature, shortening of the Achilles tendon and a slight tendency to clubfoot.

more information in: Cavus Foot Treatment

pie cavo 768x651 1
pie planovalgo 768x641 1


Definition: Generalized concept for different load insufficiencies, with their own characteristics, ranging from a pathological increase in valgus to a pronounced lowering of the longitudinal arch of the foot.

Causes of arch descent: ligamentous laxity, muscular insufficiency, family history, post-traumatism.

more information in: Valgus foot treatment


Definition: It is characterized by sensory disorders (diabetic neuropathy) and circulatory disorders (microangiopathy), resulting in gait disturbances and specific increases in pressure, especially in the forefoot.

more information in: Diabetic foot treatment

pie diabetico
Fascitis plantar 768x541 1


Definition: Inflammation of the calcaneus.
Most often in boys between 8 and 13 years of age; painful.

Etiology: In children: ossification processes, aseptic necrosis of the bone? In adults: Overload, rheumatic conditions, deformities… Often posterior pressure of the edge of the buttress.

more information in: Blog Baxter Nerve Compression