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Plantar fasciitis. Find out how to prevent and treat this foot condition.

14 de February de 2020

The plantar fasciitis is the total or partial inflammation of a band of tissue that joins the heel bone to the metatarsal area under the toes.

This fabric is elastic and very resistant. In addition, it is the one that gives shape and firmness to the arch of the foot.

When walking, the fascia absorbs energy from the impact of the foot against the ground and reuses it to dynamically propel the next step.

Another function of the fascia is to limit excessive dorsal flexion of the toes, protecting the metatarsal bones.

If you suffer from this problem or think it could be your case, we will explain what plantar fasciitis is and how it can be treated. plantar fasciitis and how it can be treated.


What causes plantar fasciitis in men and women?

The first risk group susceptible to plantar fasciitis plantar fasciitis is made up of athletes or young people who do activities that involve great effort in their lower limbs.

The second group at risk are men and women over 45 years of age, whether or not they practice any strenuous sport.

In addition, women tend to women tend to suffer more from plantar fasciitis, due to thedue to the continuous use of high-heeled shoes, which causes shortening of the calf and Achilles heel muscles.

This shortening causes greater stress on the sole of the foot, which may predispose to the development of this problem.

In addition, there is a direct relationship between plantar fasciitis and an altered shape of the plantar arch, i.e. when it is very flat or very pronounced (pes cavus).

An incorrect way of stepping, as in the case of those who walk carrying their weight more towards the inner side of the foot, also has an impact on the onset of plantar fasciitis.


What are the symptoms of plantar fasciitis?

The plantar fasciitis produces a sharp pain on the inside of the heel, where the plantar fascia meets the calcaneal bone.where the plantar fascia attaches to the calcaneal bone.

This pain may be more intense in the morning, due to the fact that during the night the fascia relaxes and shortens and when starting to walk it is more tense than normal.

In athletes, plantar fasciitis usually manifests with pain after training.

What happens if I do not treat plantar fasciitis?

plantar fasciitis pain

In addition to increasing pain and problems with walking, plantar fasciitis can lead to a calcaneal spur.

The calcaneal spur is a calcification that occurs in the posterior inner area of the heel bone, which is visible on X-rays.

The spur is considered to “grow” because of the continuous tension exerted by the plantar fascia on the heel bone.

What are the treatments for plantar fasciitis?

Treating plantar fasciitis involves treating both the symptoms and the causes.

In a first first phase should be inflammation and pain with the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and physiotherapy.

The second phase of treatment aims to reduce the tension on the plantar fascia as much as possible..

A biomechanical study of the foot will help determine the cause of this excessive stress, whether it is caused by a bad walking habit, inadequate footwear or a malformation of the arch, among others.

From this study, the podiatrist or foot specialist will determine the use of customized insoles to relieve stress on the fascia during the acute phase of fasciitis and prevent relapses.

It will also determine the type of footwear to be used according to the person’s activity and the development of a stretching exercise routine when starting the daily day or doing a sport or extreme work.

In addition, there are several therapies that help to reduce the symptoms of the problem in its acute phase.

One of them is the use of ultrasound to relieve inflammation and relax the foot muscles.

It is important to early diagnosis and treatment of plantar fasciitis is important to avoid further problems. to avoid major problems.

The diagnosis should be made by a podiatrist and medical specialist, who will also be responsible for designing the most appropriate treatment, including the type and shape of insole to be used by the patient.


trustworthy medical information stamp clinica san romanArticle prepared by Clínica San Román

Published on 14-2- 2020



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