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How to choose footwear for winter? We show you the keys.

18 de February de 2021

If there’s one thing we’ve all noticed in our own skin, it’s that the cold weather has arrived and it will take a few months yet to leave us. To take proper care of our organism, we must protect ourselves and keep every part of our body properly protected.

And the feet are one of those parts, to which we must give special care. The correct choice of footwear is a central element for our podal health.


What is the best footwear for winter?

Don’t choose just any shoe, there is a shoe exclusively for you.

It is not wise to be carried away by the annual fashions that every winter mark the type of shoe we should choose, without paying attention to the characteristics of our feet or the type of activity we are going to perform.

Spending a large part of the day sitting in an office is not the same as working outdoors and constantly on the move. For this last exercise, you should choose footwear that is really warm, but at the same time comfortable and allows you to carry out your daily activities without chafing or pain.

In the specific case of having to wear safety shoes, we advise you to use cotton socks. Thanks to this natural fiber, your feet will be able to perspire properly and you will be able to keep your feet warm.


winter footwear - cold weather footwear

Uses a non-skid sole

In the coldest months of the year, the sole is key due to the atmospheric conditions that we can find such as humidity, snow or even ice.

A non-slip sole will give us the necessary stability to walk safely and avoid possible falls.

Which sole to choose?

Thick soles made of rubber materials are your best asset. These types of soles cushion impacts and are able to distribute loads more evenly.

Use breathable materials

To avoid bad odor or excessive sweating that may hinder our daily activities, it is advisable to wear shoes made of breathable materials such as leather.

The problem with synthetic shoes is that they are not able to perspire, which can lead to the appearance of fungus with all the consequences that this implies.

Correct fastening

In order to ensure that the footwear is properly fastened, it is recommended to use cold weather footwear with laces and in which the heel sole is fastened so that the footwear itself is not constantly going up and down when walking. Something that could lead to the appearance of annoying blisters caused by continuous friction, as well as sprains or strains as a consequence.

Say goodbye to narrow lasts or heels.

When choosing a shoe for winter, it is essential that the last of the shoe adapts as well as possible to the shape of our foot.

Avoid narrow lasts or shoes with too narrow a toe box as this can lead to bunions and claw toes.

In the case of opting for high heels, remember that the height should not exceed 3 centimeters and we should try to use them occasionally. This is because the greater the height, the more weight the forefoot supports. This can lead to pathologies such as metatarsalgia.

Do you already have your ideal footwear? Well done! Follow these last tips and enjoy them.

-Good footwear is synonymous with health. Don’t view spending as a necessity, but as a short- and long-term investment.

-We all like to wear shoes for the first time, but give your feet the time they need to adapt to them and don’t overload them with excessive use the first few days.


In San Roman Clinics we want to help you choose the footwear that best suits your needs.

Contact us.

trustworthy medical information stamp clinica san roman Article prepared by Clínica San Román 18 – 2 – 2021


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