Cream Callicides: Dangers and Low Efficacy

23 de August de 2024

The use of callicide creams to treat calluses and corns is a practice that, far from offering an effective solution, can put the health of your feet at risk.
Despite their popularity, these products are considered dangerous by specialists due to their side effects and their ineffectiveness in solving the root of the problem.

What are Cream Callicides?

Callicide creams are topical products designed to remove calluses and corns on the feet.
These products often contain salicylic acid as an active ingredient, a compound that, while it can dissolve thickened skin, also has the potential to damage healthy skin around the affected area.

Dangers of Cream Callicides

1. Chemical Burns and Damage to Healthy Skin

Salicylic acid, when applied incorrectly or in high concentrations, can cause chemical burns.
This is not only painful, but can aggravate the problem, causing wounds and skin infections.

2. Ineffective Treatment of the Root Problem

Cream callicides do not address the underlying cause of calluses, such as improper footwear or excessive pressure on certain areas of the foot.
By not treating the source of the problem, calluses are likely to reappear even after temporary removal.

3. Risk of Infection

Burns or open wounds caused by improper use of callicide creams can become entry points for bacteria, increasing the risk of serious infections, especially in people with diabetes or circulatory problems.

4. Possibility of Allergic Reactions

Some people may be allergic to the components of callicide creams, which can trigger adverse reactions such as redness, itching or swelling, further complicating the foot condition.

calloused foot

Safe and Effective Alternatives

Instead of resorting to cream callicides, there are safer and more effective methods to treat calluses:

1. Visit a Podiatrist

A podiatrist is a healthcare professional who specializes in foot care.
He or she can offer customized treatments, such as mechanical callus removal, that are safe and effective.

2. Use of Orthopedic Insoles

Custom insoles can help redistribute pressure on the feet, reducing the formation of calluses.

3. Moisturizing and Regular Care

Keeping feet moisturized and gently exfoliating hardened areas can prevent callus formation without the risks associated with cream callicides.

4. Appropriate Footwear

Wearing shoes that fit properly and do not put excessive pressure on any part of the foot is key to preventing the formation of calluses.


The use of cream callicides may seem like a quick fix for treating calluses, but the associated risks far outweigh the benefits.
The possibility of chemical burns, infections and ineffectiveness in treating the root of the problem make their use strongly discouraged.
The best way to treat calluses is with the guidance of a podiatrist and through the use of safe and personalized treatments.
At Clínica San Román, we have the experience and knowledge necessary to offer you an effective and safe treatment for callosities and any other foot condition.

This approach not only protects the health of your feet, but also provides long-lasting results, without the dangers associated with cream callicides.


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