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Calcaneal spur: Symptoms and treatment of this foot condition

28 de February de 2020

The heel spur is an abnormal bony growth on the heel bone, which causes pain and causes pain and swelling when walking. Know its symptoms and treatments. The calcaneal spur is one of the causes of pain in the soles of the feet and heels most frequently seen by podiatrists.

The calcaneal spur is a bony growth that starts from the heel bone and points toward the inside of the foot.causing pain and inflammation in the entire plantar area. Many people confuse this problem with fasciitis plantr, which is inflammation of the flexible tissue called the plantar fascia, which runs along the sole of the foot from the calcaneal bone to the metatarsal.

Actually, there is a relationship between both problems, but the treatment is different in both cases. If you suffer from calcaneal spur or suspect you have this condition, you will be interested in reading this article.

Let’s see in detail what the calcaneal spur consists of and what are its symptoms symptoms and treatment.

What is calcaneal spur?


The calcaneal spur is an abnormal growth ośeo at the level of the calcaneal bone. or heel, with a shape similar to a spearhead. It originates when there is a continuous and strong traction on the plantar fasciawhich causes micro-tears in the area of insertion of the fascia with the calcaneal bone.

During the regeneration of torn ligaments, there is an accelerated calcification of the accelerated calcification of the zone of union with the calcaneal bone, forming the spur.thus forming the spur. The presence of this abnormal structure in turn generates pain and inflammation in the inner heel area.

In 80% of the cases its appearance is associated with plantar fasciitis when this excess pressure and tension of the plantar fascia has not been treated for several months. The causes of calcaneal spur are practically the same as those of the plantar fasciitisThe main causes of this condition are overweight, extreme physical activity and the use of inappropriate footwear for a prolonged period of time. Defects in the arch of the foot can also lead to plantar fasciitis and subsequently cause the onset of a calcaneal spur.

The pes cavuswith a very high arch, as well as flat feet, are also flat feetcause an incorrect distribution of pressure on the fascia, which in the long run leads to chronic plantar fasciitis and subsequently to calcaneal spur.

Likewise, an incorrect way of stepping has an impact on the appearance of this problem. Calcaneal spurs are more frequent in those who present with pronation of the stridethat is, they tend to carry more weight on the inside of the foot when walking.

Calcaneal spur: Symptoms and treatment of this foot condition


What are the symptoms?

The main symptom of calcaneal spur is a pain in the interior of the heel that resembles a pricklingIt may or may not be accompanied by pain in other areas of the sole of the foot. This pain is stronger when getting up in the morning or after intense walks or exercises.

The calcaneal spur itself does not cause pain.. The painful sensation comes from irritation, degeneration and inflammation of the surrounding tissues.

How is it diagnosed?

For differentiating a case of calcaneal spurs In case of plantar fasciitis, a radiological study should be performed to inspect the structure and shape of the bones of the foot. This study will be decisive, since the X-rays will show the presence of the bony tip that forms the spur, starting from the calcaneal bone.

In addition, elevated elevated levels of uric acid in the blood are a clear sign of the presence of a heel spur and not a manifestation of plantar fasciitis.


What is the treatment to cure it?


The treatment of heel spurs is very similar to that of plantar fasciitis and is carried out in several phases.

In the first phase, anti-inflammatory medication and physiotherapy are applied to relieve pain and inflammation of the plantar area. In the second phase, a biomechanical biomechanical study of the footprint to determine the shape of the customized insoles to be used by the patient.

These insoles will help distribute the person’s weight on the sole of the foot in a more normal way. In cases where pain persists, the use of shoe inserts is combined with heat or laser treatment, which is very effective in relieving inflammation.

In a third stage, for the most severe cases, a minimally invasive foot surgery should be performed.
minimally invasive surgery of the foot
to file or reduce the spur.

It should be noted that both the first and second phases will be accompanied by a change in the patient’s habits, including the use of shoes appropriate to their work or sporting activity, as well as stretching exercises before getting up in the morning or playing sports. or before playing sports.


trustworthy medical information stamp clinica san romanArticle prepared by Clínica San Román

Published on 28-2-2020


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