Clínica San Román’s special bandage for bunion surgery should not get wet or be manipulated. In case of any problem with your bandage such as humidity, pressure or simply a loose bandage, you should contact Clínica San Román 24 hours a day at the telephone numbers provided. Finally, the patient can shower as normal thanks to a special boot that seals the ankle and prevents water from entering.
During the first days after surgery, the patient can walk with full foot support and perform daily activities relatively normally. Avoid prolonged standing and flexing the toes.

The patient must follow the medication guidelines prescribed by the physician to reduce possible inflammation and discomfort that may occur. In case of need, the patient will be able to communicate with his physician 24 hours a day during the entire post-operative period.
From the third or fourth day, the patient should feel a significant improvement of pain and inflammation that allows him to increase his daily activity always gradually. The patient should always walk with the post-surgical footwear and remove it when at rest. Normally, if pain appears, it is likely that you have done more activity than indicated. Rest with the foot elevated and if necessary, take the analgesic/anti-inflammatory medication prescribed by your doctor.
The first check-up is usually performed one week after surgery. In this consultation a dressing change, suture removal and radiographic control are performed.
Subsequent check-ups with dressing changes and radiographic control if required are performed every two weeks at the clinic by the doctor who operated on you. Subsequent check-ups may be spaced out depending on the evolution until final discharge.
For our patients who live far from the area or even outside Spain, we perform a special post-operative procedure that only requires them to come to the clinic twice, on the day of surgery and seven days after. For this reason our national and international patients only need to be in Alicante for one week.
Normally after 40 days, the patient who has undergone bunion surgery with osteotomy must change the post-surgical shoe for a more comfortable one until the inflammation subsides completely and he/she can wear his/her usual shoe.
Patients who undergo bunion resection without osteotomy can wear a comfortable shoe two weeks after surgery.
High-heeled shoes with narrow or excessively flat toes should be avoided as much as possible.
For more information you can contact us by phone (+34) 965 92 11 56, using the contact form or our online chat to resolve any questions.