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School backpacks: Here’s how they affect your children’s feet

21 de August de 2024

With the start of the school year, one of the most important things for parents to consider is the impact that the weight and shape of the school bag can have on their child’s health.
While it may seem that the weight of the backpack primarily affects the back and shoulders, it is critical to understand that the feet can also be compromised.
Here’s how school bags can affect your children’s feet and what steps you can take to protect their health.

1. The Weight of the Backpack and its Impact on Posture

Excessive weight in backpacks is a common problem that affects many school-age children.
When the backpack is too heavy, children tend to compensate by leaning their bodies forward or to one side, which alters their natural posture.
This incorrect posture not only affects the spine and shoulders, but can also have an impact on the feet, as they bear the full weight of the body.

Tip: Make sure your child’s backpack does not exceed 10-15% of his or her body weight.

2. How Backpack Weight Affects the Feet

Excess weight in the backpack can change the way a child walks, known as gait.
This occurs because, when carrying extra weight, the feet tend to make extra effort to maintain balance, which can cause strain on the muscles and ligaments in the feet.
This strain, over the long term, can lead to problems such as arch pain, plantar fasciitis, and other foot-related conditions.

Tip: Distribute the weight evenly in the backpack and make sure your child uses both shoulder straps to balance the load.
This will help avoid overloading one side of the body, reducing the risk of affecting gait and thus foot health.

3. Importance of Backpack Selection

Not all backpacks are the same, and choosing the right backpack can make a big difference in your child’s foot health and posture.
Backpacks with wide, padded straps distribute weight more evenly, which reduces pressure on the shoulders and, consequently, the load on the feet.
In addition, backpacks with multiple compartments allow weight to be distributed more effectively, preventing all the weight from being concentrated in one place.

Tip: Look for backpacks that also have a waist or chest strap, as these help distribute weight more evenly, relieving pressure on the back and feet.

4. Consequences of Poor Foot Posture

Poor posture caused by improper use of a backpack can have long-term effects on foot health.
Children can develop problems such as flat feet, heel pain, or even muscle imbalances that affect their development.
Furthermore, these problems can worsen over time, especially if the child continues to wear an ill-fitting or overly heavy backpack for several years.

Tip: Encourage the practice of strengthening and stretching exercises for the feet and legs, which can help counteract some of the negative effects of wearing heavy backpacks.

5. Warning Signs to Watch For

It is important for parents to watch for signs that the backpack is affecting their child’s health.
Sore feet, blisters, or unusual calluses, as well as frequent complaints of back pain or excessive tiredness after school, may indicate that the backpack is being a problem.

Tip: If you notice any of these symptoms, consult a podiatrist or pediatrician for guidance on how to ease the burden and correct your child’s posture.

6. Alternatives and Solutions

school backpack with wheels

In addition to adjusting the backpack, consider alternatives such as backpacks with wheels, which eliminate the need to carry weight on the back and feet.
Although these backpacks may be less convenient in certain terrains, they can be an excellent option for relieving pressure on children’s feet.

Tip: If you opt for a wheeled backpack, make sure your child pushes it with correct posture, keeping his or her back straight and avoiding making the backpack too heavy to roll easily.


The use of school backpacks is unavoidable for most children, but with proper adjustments and the right choice, you can protect the health of their feet and their overall posture.
Remember that excessive weight in the backpack affects not only the back, but also the feet, which are the foundation of the entire body.
Paying attention to these details can make a big difference in the long-term health of your children.


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