Papilloma or plantar wart

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What is Papilloma or Plantar Wart?

Warts or papillomas are small papillomatous lesions that develop on the skin and appear as a well-defined callus.

It is an infection caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV) and develops especially on the sole of the foot by contact, through objects for hygiene care or skin to skin. It is normal for papilloma to appear in the body throughout a lifetime, and it is always a benign lesion.


Papillomas cannot be prevented. However, having knowledge of the factors that cause them, as well as a good foot hygiene is recommended to reduce the probability of their appearance. The probability of developing a plantar wart or papilloma on the foot is more frequent in children, although any person can be affected, and the reason is due to being exposed to different sources of contagion with objects or surfaces, such as in sports centers, public baths or swimming pools, humidity on the feet, shoes or socks, etc.

The size and shape of papillomas can be variable. It may also happen that it is not only a single wart but a group of them, which is called mosaic warts. Mosaic warts can occur anywhere on the foot. When they are located on a pressure point, they are very painful. To check what type of plantar wart we have, what are the reasons for its appearance and how to treat it, it is important to see a podiatrist.

Diagnosing a plantar wart is an easy task for a podiatrist, because of the very definite appearance and the pain it causes.

At Clínica San Román we give some tips to know and detect plantar warts:

If the person does not suffer from any serious pathology and is in good health, the plantar wart can heal on its own, although they rarely disappear on the feet due to the pressure they bear. If it does not heal on its own, treatment should be performed by a professional podiatrist.

Inability to walk normally or even stand upright
Very severe pain in the affected area
Development of a firm hardness in the skin, usually circular or oval in shape
High sensitivity to touch or pressure

The best care in foot surgery and podiatry

Clínica San Román combines experience with the latest technology to offer you the highest quality treatments in podiatry and foot surgery.

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