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Foot care is not a matter of aesthetics, but of health.

7 de June de 2024

Foot care is an essential aspect of overall health that is often underestimated. Although maintaining beautiful feet may be a goal, the real importance lies in preventing health problems that can affect our quality of life. In this article, we explore why foot care is critical to your health and how you can keep your feet in top condition.

Importance of Foot Care

Infection Prevention

The feet are exposed to numerous microorganisms on a daily basis. Proper care, including regular hygiene and inspection of any cuts or wounds, can prevent infections such as athlete’s foot or fungal nail infections. These infections can be painful and difficult to treat if not addressed early.

Avoid Chronic Problems

Improper footwear or lack of attention to the feet can lead to chronic problems such as bunions, corns and ingrown toenails. These problems are not only painful but can affect mobility and quality of life in the long term.

Improve Circulation

Proper foot care, including regular massage and stretching exercises, can improve blood circulation in the lower extremities. Good circulation is crucial to prevent problems such as edema and ulcers in people with chronic conditions such as diabetes.

Detect Problems Early

Inspecting the feet regularly can help detect early problems that might otherwise go undetected. People with diabetes, for example, should pay special attention to their feet for any signs of ulcers or wounds that could quickly become complicated.

Daily Foot Care Tips

Daily Hygiene

Wash your feet daily with warm water and mild soap. Be sure to dry them well, especially between the fingers, to avoid the proliferation of fungus. Apply a moisturizing cream to keep the skin soft and avoid chapping.

Trimming Nails Correctly

Cut toenails straight across and not too short to avoid ingrown toenails. Use a suitable nail clipper and file the edges to avoid sharp corners.

Wearing Proper Footwear

Choose shoes that fit well and offer adequate support. Avoid shoes that are too narrow or have high heels that can cause deformities and pain. Shoes should be comfortable and allow the toes to move freely.

Regular Inspection

Check your feet regularly for any signs of problems, such as changes in nail color, swelling, sores or blisters. If you notice anything unusual, consult a podiatrist.

Exercise and Massage

Daily Foot Care Tips
Daily Foot Care Tips

Perform stretching and strengthening exercises to keep your feet flexible and strong. Regular massages can improve circulation and relieve stress and tension in the feet.

Special Care for People with Diabetes

People with diabetes should pay special attention to the care of their feet because of the increased risk of infections and complications. Here are some specific recommendations:

Glucose Control

Keep close control of your blood glucose levels to prevent nerve damage and circulatory problems that can affect your feet.

Daily Inspection

Check your feet every day for cuts, blisters, redness, swelling or any other signs of problems. Use a mirror if necessary to see the sole of the foot.

Regular Consultation

Visit a podiatrist regularly for check-ups and preventive treatment. A podiatrist can identify potential problems before they become serious.


Foot care is a vital component of overall health. It is not only about aesthetics, but also about preventing health problems that can significantly affect your quality of life. At Clínica San Román, we are committed to the health of your feet, offering comprehensive podiatry services and personalized treatments. If you have any problems or concerns about the health of your feet, do not hesitate to contact us for a professional evaluation.


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