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Surgery to treat metatarsalgia: Goodbye to pain in the pads

26 de February de 2020

The surgery to treat metatarsalgia corrects the bony structures of the metatarsal, eliminating pain and inflammation caused by an incorrect distribution of pressure in this area. Learn more about it.

The metatarsalgia is the medical term for the pain in the metatarsal area of the feetThe pain is accompanied by a burning sensation when walking or standing for long periods of time. This is a problem that affects millions of people in the world, with a higher incidence in women due to the continuous use of high heeled shoes.

The most common cause of metatarsalgia metatarsalgia is poor mechanics in the toe-off phase of walking, producing poor distribution and excessive pressure on the metatarsal. Fortunately, there are surgical techniques to treat metatarsalgia. surgery to treat metatarsalgiathat can bring relief to those who suffer from this condition.

We will explain what surgery to treat metatarsalgia surgery to treat metatarsalgiabut first we will review the reasons why a person may suffer from this condition.


What are the causes of metatarsalgia?


The main cause of metatarsalgia is the poor distribution of body weightwhich may be due to reasons such as:

  • Shortening of calves due to the continuous use of high heels.

  • Defects in the shape of the plantar arch and heel, such as pes cavus or clubfootwhich means that all the weight of the person falls on the toes and metatarsal area.

  • First metatarsal bone insufficiencyThe hallux toe, corresponding to the joint of the big toe or hallux toe. This means that this bone is shorter than that of the second toe, which generates a poor distribution of pressures and leads to a metatarsalgia of mechanical origin.


  • Alterations at the hip, knee or foot level, which alter the biomechanics of the lower extremities and the balance of pressures on the plantar area.


What symptoms indicate that I suffer from metatarsalgia?

The main symptom of metatarsalgia is the is the pain at the level of the pads of the toes, sometimes accompanied by a burning sensation.sometimes accompanied by a burning sensation. This discomfort can vary in intensity during the day, but it is stronger after a long period of standing or a long walk. In addition, many women report this pain after wearing high-heeled shoes.

Another unmistakable symptom of metatarsalgia is the appearance of callus on the appearance of calluses on the pads of the toes of the toes that receive the most pressure when walking.

Surgery to treat metatarsalgia: Goodbye to pain in the pads


What treatments are available for metatarsalgia?


Before resorting to the surgery to treat metatarsalgiaConservative treatments are usually applied to reduce pressure on the metatarsal and relieve pain and inflammation of the metatarsal. The most commonly used is physiotherapy, which seeks to restore proper flexion and mobility in the joints and muscles of the metatarsus and toes.

Specially designed insoles are also specially designed insoles to correct to correct defects of the plantar arch such as cavus foot or clubfoot. These insoles help to correctly distribute the person’s weight and relieve pressure on the pad area.

Another resource is the use of adapted shoes to correct defects in foot posture that may cause metatarsalgia. In fact, it is common to recommend the use of thick-soled shoes, as they help to alleviate the impact of the foot against the ground when walking.

What is the surgery to treat metatarsalgia?

The surgery to treat metatarsalgia is a resource that is usually used only when non-invasive or conservative treatments have failed.

However, it is a minimally invasive surgeryThis is performed through small incisions through which instruments are introduced to correct and relieve pressure on the metatarsal bones. The procedure also includes the metatarsal vault reconstruction and the modification of length and elevation of the metatarsal heads.

The bones, once their position has been corrected, are fixed with special screws that will remain inside the bones, without causing any type of discomfort. The ultimate goal is to significantly reduce pressure on the metatarsal, which in turn will eliminate pain and swelling in this area.

The surgery to treat metatarsalgia only requires local anesthesia and the patient can walk out of the office, wearing a post-surgical shoe. Any subsequent pain is treated with conventional analgesics.


trustworthy medical information stamp clinica san romanArticle prepared by Clínica San Román

Published on 26-2-2020


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