As the cold weather arrives, the problems of chilblains or frostbite of the feet increase. In Clinica San Roman we are dedicated to the care of the feet so we offer some tips to avoid frostbite caused by the cold in the feet for reasons of being in mountain places, places with low temperature or for winter sports. It should be clarified that freezing the foot is not the same as hypothermia. Hypothermia is a life-threatening problem of body temperature of the whole body. In this article we talk about chilblains that corresponds to an inflammation under the skin of the extremities of the body in this case of the feet produced by the continuous cold or humidity.
What influences the appearance of chilblains?
1. The time of exposure to the cold has an influence . The longer the exposure time, the greater the possibility of getting frostbite in the feet. 2. The humidity causes the cold to be more intense. 3. Wind chill. An example is to be at temperatures below zero with strong winds can cause thermal sensations of -30 degrees. Immobilization of the foot. The less movement of the foot with the cold the more possibility of frostbite, in the case of people who make ski boots should not prevent the mobility of the foot. 5. Clothing materials. It is important to keep warm, in winter sports to be equipped with quality materials. Hypoxia (lack of oxygen in the blood), a condition that increases the appearance of chilblains due to low temperatures.
Who is more vulnerable?
The elderly and children are the most vulnerable due to the low level of defenses found at those ages, causing chilblains (the least severe degree of frostbite).
What to do if chilblains appear?

Do not drink alcohol, although it is usual on occasions when it is very cold 3. Do not smoke, by increasing the carbon dioxide in the blood 4. In a container with water put the foot in a normal body temperature of 36 degrees for 20 minutes. 5. Elevate the foot 6. If a blister appears, do not remove it and, above all, go to the podiatrist. Article prepared by Clínica San Román
Date of publication: 6-10-2017
Date of revision: 6-02-2020