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Excessive sweating of the feet What to do?

5 de July de 2024

Excessive sweating of the feet, also known as plantar hyperhidrosis, is a problem that affects many people and can lead to discomfort and additional problems such as odor and infection. Here is a complete guide to better understand this condition and how to manage it effectively.

What is plantar hyperhidrosis?

Plantar hyperhidrosis refers to excessive sweating of the feet. This condition can be triggered by several factors, including genetics, hormonal disorders, stress and anxiety. Excessive sweating of the feet not only causes discomfort, but can also lead to hygiene and health problems, such as fungal and bacterial infections.

Causes of excessive sweating of the feet

Genetic Factors
Genetic predisposition plays an important role in hyperhidrosis. If there is a family history of excessive sweating, this condition is more likely to occur.

Hormonal Disorders
Hormonal changes, especially during puberty, pregnancy or menopause, can increase sweat production.

Stress and Anxiety
Stress and anxiety are common triggers of excessive sweating. Stressful situations can activate the sweat glands, increasing sweating.

Symptoms and complications

The main symptom of plantar hyperhidrosis is excessive sweating of the feet, which may be constant or episodic. Complications include:

  • Bromhidrosis: Bad odor due to bacterial decomposition of sweat.
  • Fungal and Bacterial Infections: The humid environment favors the growth of fungi and bacteria.
  • Skin Problems: Blisters, skin maceration and dermatitis.

Treatments for excessive sweating of the feet

Treatments for excessive sweating of the feet

Topical antiperspirants, which contain aluminum chloride, are a common solution to reduce sweating.

This treatment involves the application of a mild electrical current through water to temporarily reduce the activity of the sweat glands.

Botulinum Toxin (Botox)
Botox injections can temporarily block the nerves that stimulate the sweat glands.

Oral Medications
In some cases, anticholinergic drugs may be prescribed to reduce sweating.

In severe cases, surgery may be an option. Endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy (ETS) is a procedure that cuts the nerves responsible for excessive sweating.

Tips for managing sweat on a day-to-day basis

  • Wear Breathable Footwear: Opt for shoes made of materials that allow ventilation.
  • Choose Cotton Socks: Cotton socks help absorb moisture and keep feet dry.
  • Proper Hygiene: Wash your feet daily with soap and water and dry them well.
  • Change Shoes and Socks: Change shoes and socks regularly to avoid accumulation of sweat and bacteria.
  • Apply Antiperspirant Powder: Powders specifically for feet can help keep them dry.


Managing excessive foot sweating requires a combination of treatments and good hygiene habits. At Clínica San Román, we offer personalized treatments for plantar hyperhidrosis. If you are dealing with excessive foot sweating, contact us today to schedule an appointment. Our team of experts is here to help you find the best solution for your problem.


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