Podiatry Service

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Podiatric Services in Alicante

Podiatry is the branch of medicine that deals with the evaluation and treatment of foot diseases. The podiatrist is a duly accredited professional who has received adequate training in the techniques of physical examination of the foot, in addition to a complete knowledge of common diseases, causes and implementation of corrective measures in each case. In this sense, this professional has acquired a comprehensive vision that adds biomechanical aspects, both anatomical and physiological, to the classic superficial examination of the skin and nails. In addition, the podiatrist has the tools to implement preventive measures in individuals at risk, as well as the correct hygiene measures and general foot care.

Since 1988, Podiatry has been accepted as a university career not derived from nursing, as it had been since 1962, when it was incorporated as a division of that career or even before when they were called callists, a term in disuse today. Currently, Podiatry covers several areas such as Surgery, Biomechanics, whose study is very important, because it can cause alterations in other areas of the body such as knees, hips or spine. In general, evaluating gait patterns and the balanced distribution of pressure in the different points of the foot is fundamental in many cases. Another branch is Orthopodology, focused on the use of customized supports and insoles for different types of deformities or anatomical alterations.

While the Chiropodology is the traditional or classic area of work of podiatrists since ancient times, in charge of the evaluation and treatment of skin and nail disorders. There are also several sub-branches: pediatric, geriatric and sports. In short, it is a more complex discipline that has developed a technical and knowledge level equivalent to other medical branches.

Reasons for visiting a podiatrist

The reasons for consulting a podiatrist vary according to age: In children, consultation for flat feet/valgus, heel pain (talalgia) and plantar warts is more frequent. It is different in adults:

  • In men, mycosis is consulted more frequently due to the frequent use of sports shoes or industrial footwear (work-related).
  • In women, structural alterations such as bunions, hammertoes, pes cavus, flat feet and calluses caused by the use of inadequate footwear are more frequent.
  • In the elderly: it is considered that 20 to 40% have alterations in the feet keratopathies: nail dystrophies, corns and keratosis. They also present bone deformities: bunions, digital alterations and muscular alterations such as pronated feet. They also frequently consult for painful disorders that have multiple causes. There is a population considered high risk, which should visit the podiatrist regularly for treatment and prevention of injuries:
  • People with arthritis: either rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis or gout.
  • Diabetes: 25 % have foot problems, which can be seriously complicated if not treated, they must maintain proper hygiene and take a series of preventive measures.
  • Neurological diseases, especially gait and muscle disorders.
    People with circulatory diseases.

Frequent treatments of Chiropodology:

  • Skin conditions: Helomas or calluses: these are areas of hyperkeratosis or well circumscribed hardness. They are caused by excessive rubbing, generally due to rigid or inflexible footwear, or also due to a slight gait disorder that needs to be corrected. They can be soft or hard. Initial stages are easy to remove by the podiatrist.
  • Heloma evaluation and callus removal
  • Evaluation of the footprint by means of biomechanical studies, and in some cases insoles are needed.
  • Interdigital heloma: it is a callus that comes out between the toes, it is very painful, and occurs by using narrow toe shoes or by some bony prominence, which causes constant friction at that level. The podiatrist solves the problem by removing the heloma and giving recommendations for footwear or silicone splints if necessary. Dryness and cracking of feet.
  • Papillomas: they are small tumors of viral origin, totally benign, sometimes with thickened skin around them simulating a callosity. They can occur at any age, but are frequent in children and are often acquired in swimming pools or public showers. They have a rounded and rough appearance, with small spots on their surface. They are usually more painful than corns. There are many types of local treatment, which is why the podiatrist, after evaluation, selects the best treatment according to the location and type of skin. Tinea pedis or athlete’s foot, fungal infection, are very common. Sweating disorders: hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) or bromhidrosis (bad foot odor). In both circumstances the podiatrist, after the correct diagnosis, implements the treatment and preventive measures for each case. Blisters, ulcers or wounds.

Alterations in nails

– Tinea unguis or onychomycosis
The podiatrist can assist in the diagnosis by taking samples and cultures.

Topical or surgical treatment.
Onychocryptosis or ingrown toenails: where the edge of the nail digs into the surrounding skin. They are very painful and may resolve completely. Nail thickening or onychodystrophy.

Finger pathology

Digital claw or claw deformity, which is associated in many cases with other forefoot deformities. Its treatment is special orthotics or insoles, with silicone rings.
– Finger fractures.
Other deformities: 5th varus and clinodactyly: different deviations of the toes, which can be treated with specialized orthotic products after review by the podiatrist.


Hallux valgus or bunion: the only effective treatment is surgery. After the surgical treatment, it is necessary to continue the review of the podiatrist for specific plantar supports and silicone protectors. In addition to adapt special post-surgical shoes until recovery.
Open foot: widening of the forefoot with pain at the base of the toes, weakness of the ligaments.
Morton’s neuromas: it is a thickening of the interdigital nerve, between the third and fourth finger, due to compression. There is a surgical and an orthopodologic treatment.


– Plantar fasciitis and talalgias (heel pain).
– Flat feet, cavus, clubfoot, equinus.
– Calcaneal spurs.

The best care in foot surgery and podiatry

Clínica San Román combines experience with the latest technology to offer you the highest quality treatments in podiatry and foot surgery.

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